No-Bake Fruitcake

No-Bake Fruitcake

Author: Seawaters of California


  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 1 lb. marshmallows
  • 1 lb. graham crackers
  • 1 lb raisins golden or dark
  • 1 pint candied fruit mix
  • 4 cups Brazil nuts or pecans


  • Scald milk in a double boiler until bubbles form on outer rim or 100 degrees. It is easier to use miniature marshmallows—10 cups—or quarter the big ones. Add marshmallows to milk in double boiler. (You might want to add extra at the very end to have some whole small marshmallows.) Cook, stirring until smooth. (If all do not fit pot at one time, add a few at a time.) Remove from heat. Roll graham crackers into fine crumbs, unless you buy a pound of graham cracker crumbs. Mix with raisins, candid fruit, and nuts. I cut up the nuts; sometimes I use only candied cherries. Add hot marshmallow and blend; add extra marshmallows, if desired. Line four one pint or two quart loaf pans with wax paper, fill and let age 2-4 weeks. Notes: I also wrap the cakes in aluminum foil after covering with wax paper to keep air tight. Leave the cakes in bottom of refrigerator to age. I have left cakes in refrigerator as much as 11 months. Cakes is still good. You can also freeze them! This recipe takes a bit of time! The mixing and then filling the pans is a job!


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