As you are cooking this bird breast side down you won’t have the beautiful browned look so carve this bird before bring to the table it may not look pretty but it is very moist and taste. If you like the skin browned at about a ½ hour before it is done you should try to flip the bird with oven mitts and brown in the oven. I really like this but don't be worried if it doesn't "look" pretty because you are cooking it breast down (which by the way I do with all my birds now) it doesn't look pretty but the taste sure makes up for it. Heating the platter for any type of meat/poultry is a nice touch, one of the ladies I did meal-on-wheels for taught me that trick. She said the key was not to let the platter get hot, just warm to the touch. You can also save time and draw out the drippings and prepare the gravy while the bird is still in the oven, keeping it in the pot covered will keep it nice and warm. If you do not like stuffing the bird you don't have too just adjust your cooking time (it may save 45 minutes to a half hour) you can bake the stuffing in the oven in a glass dish covered.